
  • 最後の更新で追加された行はこのように表示します。
  • 最後の更新で削除された行はこのように表示します。


*The Look of Viva Pinata: A Detailed Tour Of The Graphics Engine
2007/3/8 9:00-10:00

-engine written on-team
-must deal with very busy garden
-things close to player must always look good

**overview of pipeline
-models were generated in Maya
-shader関連の情報はnative microcodeで表現

-Why not HLSL?
--good microcode is faster
--control GPR usage and fetch latency
--but DX10 doesn't support microcode
--but easy to translate well-designed microcode generator into HLSL

-support per-mesh static LOD-ing and dynamic tessellation
-artist can set up in Maya via a MEL interface
-used in virtually every model in the game, most areas of the garden
-have at least 3 levels
-maintaining good triangle to pixel ratio

**rendering in game
-All rendering, apart from fonts, particles and XUI, done on a separate thread
-double-buffered command buffer
-this uses up memory (8MB for us)

**render passes
***shadowing pass
use 8GPix/sec depth-only mode
bottlenecks tend to be vertex throughput, triangle setup or bandwidth
Idea: could theoretically extract greater fill-rate ....
use a dual orthographic nested frustum approach
outer frustum static
-encompasses area twice the size of central square
-contribution faded out at frustum edges
inner frustum moves around with player
--tries to frame greatest visible area
each frustum: 1344x1344 D24S8 texture
costs a lot: 1/2 ms for each

uses lots of swept volume visibility tests to only render contributing occuluders

don't really need to generate mip levels
-nested frustums already a 'mip'
cost of generation hugely outweighs any slight cache problems

***diggable surface pre-draw pass
-the diggable surface is the central soil square in the garden
-can be modified in various ways
-shaders are very expensive
-edge-based tessellation helps a lot

-whole central square split into 16x16 quads
-the vertex shader projects each quads into screen space

-pre-draw passes produces a 1280x720 buffer containing filtered shadow lookups
 "contact occulusion" values and various other attributes

-also render water reflections during the pass
--rendered into a smaller buffer
--uses pipelined visibility queries

***predicated tiling opaque pass
-the game renders at 720p 2X MSAA, so needs two predicated tiling process
-have highly useful "alpha to coverage" feature
--can also do limited order-independent alpha blending
-renders low-lying fur grass, long grass etc.
-the dynamic fur on the animals is driven using vertex shader memory exporting
--acts on the most extruded vertex
--this vertex is constrained to lie within a sphere on a stick

-watar shader uses background cube map and exaggerated Fresnel

***post processing pass
-how do you do accurate depth-based post processing with 2X MSAA?
-resolve color and depth value for each fragment separately and do post processing on both fragments in parallel
-then combine together in a "manual" AA step

three post-processing passes:

1. "deferred"-type cheap lighting
-dynamics lamp-generated lights "un-desaturated" the surrounding visible sphere

2. depth of field, fog and desaturation
-works in parallel on both fragments
-only blends up to 60% though
--produces nice "aura" effect
-standard fog plus a novel "swirly" fog at border
blue shiftもやってた

3. standard blur(?)

in total, post processing costs 4.5ms

two main shader families
-one for normal surfaces
-another for volumetric "fur" surfaces

shader feature
-material "rim lighting" (輪郭にオーラが出てたような)
-black and white
-color change for sick etc. animals
-phong lighting
--per-texel specular

-bring out bump maps on unlit sides of model, or it looks a bit flat
--tried using quadratic spherical harmonics
---didn't bring out enough
--so settled on simpler "reflected directional"

***more widespread use of displacement mapping
good way to manage large "low frequency" parts of background
compress large disp. maps into a lossy 2D Haar wavelet basis, and decompress it in the shader

* Keynote: A Creative Vision - Shigeru Miyamoto (Nintendo)
Thu 11:00 AM 12:00 AM (予定より30分遅れて開始。終わりも15分くらいオーバー)

+Expanded Audience

*Next Generation Destruction in the UE3 Engine (Sponsored by AGEIA)
Thu 12:00 PM 1:00 PM



No art required for destruction

BSP fracture
-find good cutting algorithm
-further features for other types of materials
-clean up UV coordinates
-clean up extraneous geometry

**hardware support
--Rigid body callbacks
-instancing render support
-fluid as debris
--cheap but less accurate collision

**how did we make it?
-procedual asset creation
-artist creation supported, but slow and expensive
--good for custom cases
-structural support optimization
-lots of hacks
--flags to bypass support calculations
--designer specified behavior

**tradeoffs with UnrealEngine3
-static baked lighting vs Dynamic lighting
-actor draw overhead
--skeletal mesh rendering
--instancing support

-actually fluids
-force fields used by weapon effects
-force cylinders around fires

**future improvements
-water towards to spiling and spewing everywhere, influencing other stuff
-gas pipe where gas can be ignited by shots
-skyscraper destruction

**metal cloth
-good for variation
-no support for tearing
-difficulty in tuning

*Creating Innovative Launch Titles for the Nintendo Wii and Its Unique Controller
Thu 2:30 PM 3:30 PM

**SpongeBob Squarepants information
-start:May2005 ~ alpha:May2006 ~ master:August2006
-team size: core 21, production 38 + art outsources
-very successful franchise
-diverse gameplay styles

**Expectations of a Wii launch title
-showcase the new features
--unique controller
--new ways of interacting with a game
-get it out on time!!
--don't waste the opportunity

**Controller Overview
-readings are a combination of orientaion and movement

**how we used the controller
-general movement
-camera control
-use of the pointer
-attack move
-swiping is tiring
-sync movements
-butt-bounce move
-sprint move
-lag issues
-steering wheel action
-small movements unnoticed

-multiple control options
--just assess angles
--dead zones

-sideways swiping
-tie action to animation

**more advanced actions
-repeat patterns
-change "state" in-game

**teaching the controls
-understanding the controls
--how they relate to the game
--how they give the intended result
-understanding how to hold them
-understanding how to move them
-simple and clear control explanations
--small amount of text

**test, test and more test
-focus testing is key
-internal focus tests
--get everyone to play the game!
--game team testing
--company wide testing
-external focus tests
--get everyone ELSE to play the game!
--client / publisher testing
--external focus tests
-controller tests
--no current standardization
--no benchmark from other titles

**implementing the controls
-massive amount of data
-detecting movement over time
-mimic controller movements on screen
-holding the controllers for too long
-distance to the screen
-different players hold the controller differently
-shaking the controller



*A LocoRoco Postmortem: Making Happiness into Gameplay
Thu 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 







電車の中でPDAにスケッチしてた 2004/春
PCでのプロトタイプ 2004/秋

3ヶ月 企画・プレゼン デザイナ2人と
1ヶ月 PSP pre-プロトタイプ
3ヶ月 プロトタイプ 8人
11ヶ月 開発 16人
2006/June master

+ベタぬり グラデーションは入れない









*3D Tricks: Engineering Innovation on the Nintendo DS
5:30 PM 6:30 PM

**graphics hardware
-layer based
-layers are sorted and blended to final image

N(4〜8) polygons per scan line
up to 512k for textures

**don't be limited

**some DS features
-dynamic lighting
--directional lights
--can simulate point lights
--auto sorting available
-stencil shadow
--1bit stencil buffer

**toon shading and edge marking
-crisper / more visual "pop"
-It's free!

**toon shading
-create a toon color table
-ハードがintensity -> テーブル引きをやってくれる

**edge marking
-create edge color table
-hardware draw an edge when different polygon ID are adjacent


-can use DS window feature to hide (almost)
-hide the top row with sprites or BG

-use as general purpose color filter
-allows an object to be emphasized
-DS fog is rendered after all polygons based on Z depth
--can interfere with alpha

-texture matrix effects
--low cost
--scrolling, scaling, rotation

-environment mapping
--use multi-pass rendering
---second pass with DTE bit (depth test equal)
--compensate with clever texture

**texture streaming (バックグラウンドローディング)
--Snappy ROM performance
--DMA can transfer between ROM and VRAM

-method 1
--double buffer VRAM banks
--load textures during "render blank"

-method 2
--with One Time ROM

-Level layout
--VRAMが足りないほどの視界を見せないように うまくマップを作る

**2D billboards

newsで議論しましょう: nitro.graphics3d


*The Programmers Challenge
Thu 7:00 PM 8:00 PM



Q. PS3が発売延期になったのはなぜ?
d. 久夛良木さんが火星旅行から帰ってこなかったから

Q. あなたはEAの社長です。12000人時かかるプロジェクトを4週間後に終わらせないといけません。
   スタッフの人数は (中略) 一人あたり何時間サービス残業させればいい?
d. 480時間/週

Q. ダイクストラアルゴリズムの最悪計算量は?
d. コードをコピペしただけだからわからない


・Nuts and milk (本当にあったゲームのタイトルは?とか)

*The Programmers Challenge

Thu 7:00 PM 8:00 PM





Q. PS3が発売延期になったのはなぜ?

d. 久夛良木さんが火星旅行から帰ってこなかったから

Q. あなたはEAの社長です。12000人時かかるプロジェクトを4週間後に終わらせないといけません。

   スタッフの人数は (中略) 一人あたり何時間サービス残業させればいい?

d. 480時間/週

Q. ダイクストラアルゴリズムの最悪計算量は?

d. コードをコピペしただけだからわからない





・Nuts and milk (本当にあったゲームのタイトルは?とか)





