見やすいリスト †
見にくいリスト †
schedule builderに優先順位機能ほしいなぁ
月曜 †
Mon 10:00 AM 6:00 PM
- Core Techniques and Algorithms in Shader Programming (105) / Room 3010, West Hall
火曜 †
Tue 10:00 AM 6:00 PM
- Physics for Games Programmers (203) / Room 3011, West Hall
7:00 PM 7:30 PM
Japanese Orientation
8:00 PM 10:00 PM
East Meets West Reception / Jillian's, 101 Fourth St @ Mission Street
水曜 †
Wed 9:00 AM 10:00 AM
- TR1: C++ on the Move / Room 2007, West Hall
Wed 10:30 AM 11:30 AM いまひとつな枠
- Bridging the Creative Void: Composing Character Performances With the Havok Behavior Tool (Sponsored by Havok) / Room 3011, West Hall
- Massive Multi-core CPUs & Gaming / Room 3002, West Hall
Wed 12:00 PM 1:00 PM
- Challenging Everyone: Dynamic Difficulty Deconstructed / Room 2009, West Hall
- Embodied Agents in Dynamic Worlds / Room 3000, West Hall
- Athletic Performance: Intelligent Believable Characters / Room 3010, West Hall
- Casual Games and Windows Vista: The Real Story on What It Means For Casual Games (Sponsored by Microsoft) / Room 2010, West Hall
- D3D10 Unleashed: New Features and Effects (Sponsored by Microsoft) / Room 3004, West Hall
Wed 1:00 PM 2:00 PM
- True Imposters / Poster Session Area
- ディスプレースメントマッピングを使った、ものすごいビルボード
Wed 2:30 PM 5:00 PM
- Experimental Gameplay Sessions / Room 134, North Hall
- 実験的なゲームの展覧会っぽい。プレゼンターにValveの中の人が
Wed 2:30 PM 3:30 PM
- Frostbite Rendering Architecture and Real-Time Procedural Shading and Texturing Techniques (Sponsored by AMD) / Room 3002, West Hall
- graph-based visual shader authoring, procedural shading and texturing techniques
- 3Dの最先端な話をひとつくらい聞いておこう
- Blindtesting / Room 3016, West Hall
- Writing For The Hero with a Thousand Faces - Storytelling Challenges and Gears of War / Room 2009, West Hall
- ストーリーとプレーヤーの関係(player connection)の話。ストーリーの作り方
- Feud No More: Learning to Love the Hybrid Web/Download Casual Game / Room 2007, West Hall
- Building High Performance Games using Visual C++ 2005 / Room 3004, West Hall
Wed 4:00 PM 5:00 PM
- Painting an Interactive Musical Landscape / Room 135, North Hall
- 任天堂の近藤さんの話。音楽わからなくても聞く価値ありそう
- Designing Revolutionary Controls / Room 3010, West Hall
- 海外のローンチタイトルでのWiiコンの話。audience analysisとかもあるのでよさそうだ
- Using BitTorrent for Something Other Than Piracy / Room 3018, West Hall
- コンテンツ配布システムとしてのP2Pの使い方っぽい
GDC Expo
North Hall 9AM-6PM
West Hall 10AM-6PM
Game Developers Choice & Independent Games Festival Awards
木曜 †
Thu 9:00 AM 10:00 AM
- The Look of Viva Pinata: A Detailed Tour Of The Graphics Engine / Room 131, North Hall
- Designing GEARS OF WAR: Iteration Wins / Room 135, North Hall
- Saints Row Multiprocessing Architecture / Room 2009, West Hall
- Novint Falcon: Adding realistic 3D touch into your games (Sponsored by Novint) / Room 3011, West Hall
- フォースフィードバックつき3Dマウス。単純に面白そう
- Building Blocks for Multi-Threaded Games (Sponsored by Intel) / Room 3002, West Hall
- The Ups and Downs of Downloadable Content: Developing Content for GRAW 360 / Room 2007, West Hall
- ダウンロードコンテンツの話。ゲームへの統合から宣伝まで
- The Four Most Important Emotions of Game Design / Room 2024, West Hall
- LucasArts: True Next Generation Gameplay in Service of Story & Character / Room 3020, West Hall
- よくわからん。creating better stories and charactersとか、全般的な話?
Thu 10:30 AM 11:30 AM
- Keynote: A Creative Vision - Shigeru Miyamoto (Nintendo) / Esplanade, South
- Deep Integration: Havok Physics in Next Generation Ubisoft Games (Sponsored by Havok) / Room 3011, West Hall
- Debugging and Tuning Multi-Threaded Games (Sponsored by Intel) / Room 2012, West Hall
- インテルのツールが出てくるものの、一般的な落とし穴なども聞けそう
Thu 12:00 PM 1:00 PM
- Next Generation Destruction in the UE3 Engine / Room 3011, West Hall
- MotoGP'06 for Xbox 360: A Post-Mortem of our Next-Gen Tool Chain / Room 131, North Hall
- 自前のモデリング・テクスチャリングツールを作ることの長所と短所
- Final Fantasy XII Postmortem / Room 135, North Hall
Thu 1:00 PM 2:00 PM
- Easy Multi-language Development and Cheat Detection With Google Web Toolkit / Poster Session Area
Thu 2:30 PM 3:30 PM
- Creating Innovative Launch Titles for the Nintendo Wii and Its Unique Controller / Room 2024, West Hall
- すばやいプロトタイピング、うまいチュートリアルの方法など
- Testing Techniques, Tools, and Tips / Room 2007, West Hall
- 効率よくカバレッジも高いテスト。さらにマルチプレーヤー時の問題も
- The Game Design Challenge: The Needle and Thread Interface / Room 3020, West Hall
- Next Generation Game Development: All Machine Or Man? / Room 135, North Hall
- ロックマン・デッドライジング・ロストプラネットで有名らしい稲船敬二さん
- マシンパワーとゲームデザインの兼ね合いの話らしい
- NVIDIA Demo Team Secrets - Cascades (Sponsored by NVIDIA) / Room 3018, West Hall
- realistic shading and displacement mapping techniques
- GPU water particle system
- Is There Anything Comparable to Spherical Harmonics But Simpler? / Room 3000, West Hall
- Turbulence and Integration PhysX in the Source Engine and Advance Functionality of PhysX SDK (Sponsored by AGEIA)
Thu 4:00 PM 6:00 PM
- Evolve: Character Pipeline Advances for Next-gen Titles / Room 2024, West Hall
Thu 4:00 PM 5:00 PM
- A LocoRoco Postmortem: Making Happiness into Gameplay / Room 135, North Hall
- Can you make a game that is pure happiness?
- Designing Games for Everyone: Harmonix Design in Practice / Room 3001, West Hall
- 誰もを楽しませるゲームの作り方
- "easy to pick up and hard to master"
- Guitar HeroとKaraoke Revolutionの会社らしい
- Exploration: From Systems to Spaces to Self / Room 3020, West Hall
- 4D in Zero Space: Living Games with Procedural Textures / Room 3007, West Hall
Thu 5:30 PM 6:30 PM
- 3D Tricks: Engineering Innovation on the Nintendo DS / Room 2007, West Hall
- Reflections of Zelda / Room 135, North Hall
- How To Animate a Character You've Never Seen Before / Room 3001, West Hall
- ユーザの作ったキャラクターをどうアニメーションさせるか
Thu 7:00 PM 8:00 PM
- The Programmers Challenge / Room 132, North Hall
金曜 †
Fri 9:00 AM 10:00 AM
- Skinning with Dual Quaternions / Room 2009, West Hall
- Cross Application Asset Creation for LAIR: From Characters to Clouds / Room 135, North Hall
- Game Design in Agile Development / Room 2024, West Hall
Fri 10:00 AM 10:50 AM
- Inside Cryptic Studios: Art, Programming, and Design / Room 2020, West Hall
Fri 10:30 AM 11:30 AM
- Rethinking the Development Timeline / Room 135, North Hall
- 脳トレの短期間開発の話
- よいツール・ライブラリが開発を加速する
- Meeting Players Halfway: Using Adaptive Systems to Prevent Player Frustration / Room 2007, West Hall
- Adaptive Training and Adaptive Difficulty.
- Dealing with Destruction: AI From the Trenches of Company of Heroes / Room 131, North Hall
Fri 12:00 PM 1:00 PM
- Three Approaches to Halo-style Behavior Tree AI / Room 3000, West Hall
- Applied Physics: MotorStorm / Room 3001, West Hall
- Classroom to the Console: The Autobiography of flOw / Room 125, North Hall
- Light and Darkness of 2D Gaming / Room 135, North Hall
Fri 12:00 PM 12:20 PM
- Hair Styling: A Teenager's Dream, An Artist's Nightmare / Room 3016, West Hall
- Sphere Maps With the Near-equal Solid-angle Property / Room 2009, West Hall
- 3D in 3D: Rendering Anaglyph Stereographics in Real-time / Room 2024, West Hall
Fri 12:20 PM 12:40 PM
- Sort-Independent Alpha Blending / Room 2024, West Hall
- Projection Matrix Tricks / Room 2009, West Hall
- 投影行列を使ってシェーダーなしでエフェクトを実現。具体的なことは書いてない
- Pre-computed Light Carving into Meshes / Room 3016, West Hall
- 事前計算したライトや影の情報を、テクスチャではなく頂点に埋め込む
Fri 12:40 PM 1:00 PM
- Game Sketching / Room 2024, West Hall
- Realtime Physically Based Sound Synthesis for Games / Room 3006, West Hall
GDC Expo
North Hall 9AM-3PM
West Hall 10AM-3PM
IGF Pavilion
9AM -3PM
Fri 2:30 PM 3:30 PM
- SPORE's Magic Crayons / Room 3001, West Hall
- プレイヤー自身が創造力を発揮するようなゲームをどう作っていくかという話?
- 可能性空間という考え方がキーらしい
- Advanced Audio Techniques in UnrealEngine3 (Sponsored by Creative Labs) / Room 3004, West Hall
Fri 2:30 PM 5:00 PM
- 8 Bit: A Documentary about Art and Video Games / Room 132, North Hall
Fri 4:00 PM 5:00 PM
- Shared Technology at Rare: Good and Bad / Room 135, North Hall
- 技術共有について。社内ミドルウェアの役割や、それを開発するチームの働きの話も。
- Automatic Generation of Dynamics Models / Room 3016, West Hall
- Narrative Landscapes: Shaping Player Experience through World Geometry / Room 3000, West Hall
- レベルデザインの話。適切なプレイヤーのナビゲーションの仕方や、感情のコントロールなど。
開始日時 2007年 3月 9日 (金曜日) 17時00分 (GMT+09:00)
終了日時 2007年 3月 9日 (金曜日) 19時00分 (GMT+09:00)
7:30 PM 10:00 PM
Video Games Live
Nob Hill Masonic Auditorium
Expo詳細 †
West Hall - The place where companies reveal their latest tools and technologies critical to game development.
West Hall Expo Hours:
Wednesday, March 7 - 10:00am-6:00pm
Thursday, March 8 - 10:00am-6:00pm
Friday, March 9 - 10:00am-3:00pm
North Hall - The community-centric hall where you can explore new offerings from both established and emerging companies.
North Hall Expo Hours:
Wednesday, March 7 - 9:00am-6:00pm
Thursday, March 8 - 9:00am-6:00pm
Friday, March 9 - 9:00am-3:00pm