しかしsmbmountを試すといつまで経っても終わらない。試しにcpすると cp: reading `/home/nickle/backup_work/himeyuri_hdd_c/Documents and Settings/Administrator/.gtk-bookmarks': 入力/出力エラーです $ dmesg smb_add_request: request [e2498e40, mid=61398] timed out! smb_proc_readX_data: offset is larger than SMB_READX_MAX_PAD or negative! smb_proc_readX_data: -59 > 64 || -59 < 0
ググると I've just upgraded to 2.6.10 and the problem has completely disappeared.
SMARTも取りたいし、2.6.15くらいまで上げるかね… 268 :login:Penguin:2006/03/23(木) 16:17:26 ID:cJ/0S2FE FC5にアップグレードしたら、SATAドライブで普通にsmartdが使えるようになった。 269 :login:Penguin:2006/03/23(木) 18:28:34 ID:u4FH3D9N smartctl -data -a /dev/sda でFC4の時からできたが 270 :login:Penguin:2006/03/23(木) 19:47:22 ID:M9zizDOa 2.6.15から
2.6.15にするなら先人の知恵を借りよう ヘルプの重要箇所
The directory, where varying files should be put in. These files should not be deleted. The information they contain is necessary for the server to work properly
To save the output of a command, supply (in double quotes) a triple bar |||, followed by a space and the command. Another triple bar must follow, after that another command doing the opposite of the first one. This command gets the data written by the first one as input at restore time. A triple sharp ### and a comment may follow.
A file with the name supplied here can be present in any directory. It should contain a list of file-/directory-names (or glob-style patterns), that should be skipped during backup. Each entry must be in an own line. The given names/patterns are valid only in the same directory, where the file resides. Thus each directory can have it's individual exclusion list.
ripped from /usr/share/doc/afbackup/FAQ.gz
34: How to make afbackup reuse/recycle tapes automatically ?
There are two parameters in the client side configuration, that affect
A common pitfall is, that the number configured here is one too high. If the number is e.g. 3, the current index file plus 3 older indexes are kept, not 3 in total. Note furthermore, that afbackup only removes an older index, when the next full backup has succeeded.
DaysToStoreIndexes can be configured the number of